Roughrider mascot stars onboard HMCS Regina
By Lookout on Aug 15, 2017 with Comments 0

Personnel from HMCS Regina (left to right): Lt(N) Craig Newman, Lt(N) Jessica MacMillan, MS Jamie Boparai, Cdr Colin Matthews, and SLt Dan Presseau gather on the flight deck with Saskatchewan Roughriders’ mascot Gainer the Gopher and ship’s mascot Gunner the Gopher (right). Photos by Peter Mallett, Lookout Newspaper
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~
Gainer The Gopher, the official mascot of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, made the successful jump from football field to frigate, spending a day with sailors aboard HMCS Regina.
The furry ground squirrel was accompanied on Sunday Aug. 6 by Roughriders President and Chief Executive Officer Craig Reynolds and two staff.
“We were excited to come out to Victoria and visit the ship because it is such a special relationship we have with HMCS Regina,” said Reynolds. “We are very aware of their strong naval connection to our city, and it’s always nice to reinforce that connection to the navy and our football team.”
Reynolds presented Commander Colin Matthews, Regina’s Commanding Officer, with a gift bag stuffed with Roughriders souvenirs including a team flag and autographed football signed by members of the team.
“The relationship we have with the Riders is absolutely incredible and something we can really rally around,” said Cdr Matthews. “It’s great to have a professional football team that represents our namesake city that is so well connected with us; it raises our morale and gives us all a symbol to rally around.”
The trip was a thanks to the ship for flying the Riders colors and being international ambassadors for the team.
A barbecue lunch was held under a massive Roughriders’ flag that draped from the ship’s hangar. The flag was donated to the ship by Regina elementary school École St. Andrew in 2014. The ship and her colossal flag promote the CFL team around the world when the ship is deployed.
Following a tour of the ship, Gainer was put to work, starring in a promotional video that unites the Saskatchewan Roughriders with the warship. Two members of the Riders’ Public Affairs staff filmed the video and said the final edited version will appear on the team’s official website later this year.
For the filming, Gainer visited the ship’s bridge where he sat in the captain’s chair, sounded the alarm, helped maintain the vessel’s 57 mm gun, took a ride on a Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat, stopped by the galley for a snack, and took a nap in the Commanding Officer’s cabin.
The ship’s unofficial No. 1 Riders fan, Lt(N) Tracy Tkachuk, helped facilitate the visit with the Riders and their film crew. He grew up in Saskatchewan and describes himself as a die-hard fan. He was the sailor who won the ship’s official mascot contest to name Gainer’s naval cousin back in 2003, coming up with the appropriate tag of Gunner the Gopher.
Gunner’s CFL cousin enjoys celebrity status in Regina, and is an old pro at shooting comedic videos.
“Once they started shooting he was all business just the way he is when he performs at the stadium,” said Lt(N) Tkachuk. “Craig [Reynolds] and I were laughing pretty hard at some of Gainer’s antics and the stunts he pulled. I’m looking forward to seeing it when it airs, and I’m certain other Riders’ fans will be talking about it and creating a buzz on fan forums.”
The visit by the Roughriders concluded the long weekend of football-themed festivities for HMCS Regina. The day before, a delegation of crew and family members attended the Roughriders’ clash with the B.C. Lions in Vancouver. Although the Roughriders slipped to a record of two wins and four losses, with a 30-15 defeat, the setback didn’t faze the sailors or detract from the fun.
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