Sailor undertakes at sea work and homework
By Lookout Production on Apr 23, 2020 with Comments 2

LS Evan Hodgson, a Naval Communicator in HMCS Nanaimo, studies Managerial Accounting while at sea. Photo by Capt Lisa Evong, HMCS Nanaimo Public Affairs Officer
By Captain Lisa Evong, HMCS Nanaimo PAO ~
Leading Seaman Evan Hodgson is currently working on his post-secondary studies while serving in HMCS Nanaimo.
The Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel was deployed on Operation Caribbe earlier this year and is now off the coast of Vancouver Island as a part of Operation Laser.
It’s a tricky balance between his work as a Naval Communicator and his homework. He is enrolled in a Bachelor of Business Administration program at Yorkville University as a full-time student.
“Yorkville University has a great relationship with the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and is aware of the challenges some CAF members face due to unusual work environments and schedules,” he said.
The university offers Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition that allow military work experience and courses to count towards university credits. It also has a special deployment policy that allows CAF students to work around their hectic operational tempo.
Internet connectivity at sea is not always a guarantee. Without a consistent, stable internet connection, LS Hodgson runs the risk of being late with his assignments, papers, and exams. So, he must be very organized and maintain excellent communications with his chain of command, his professors, and peers at the university in case his at-sea schedule delays his schoolwork.
He attended university for a year after high school, and then moved to Vancouver Island to undertake a four-year contract with the Naval Reserves.
But he didn’t relinquish his civilian studies. In 2018, he joined Yorkville University’s BBA program.
He just completed one of his final exams in Managerial Accounting. This is one of three courses he committed to while deployed on Operation Caribbe. He has 14 courses left before graduating with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration Degree, with a specialization in Project Management.
“To be given the opportunity to study at sea and obtain my BBA is amazing. My chain of command has been very supportive in allowing me to take on this challenge. After I have completed my degree, I will be happy to say I was able to undertake my post-secondary education on my terms. But the experiences I have had with the navy are as valuable as the degree itself.”
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This should be BY Captain Lisa Evong.
Good on you perseverance on taking these courses,not fun standIng 4 and 4,!!