Sea cadets set sail in HMCS Ottawa
By Lookout on Apr 22, 2016 with Comments 0

The Commanding Officer of HMCS Ottawa, Cdr Sylvain Belair, addresses the group at the conclusion of the scheduled day sail. Photo by Cpl Brent Kenny, MARPAC Imaging Services
Capt Cheryl Major, RCSU(P) ~
More than 200 sea cadets from nine Vancouver Island communities gathered in Victoria April 9-10 for a training weekend that included a day sail in HMCS Ottawa and an Admiral’s Ceremonial Divisions inspection.
On Saturday the crew and cadets put the ship through its paces at full speed, up to 30 knots, and heeling over 25 to 30 degrees during manoeuvers.
After the demonstration, cadets spent time with sailors at 13 activity stations that showcased the functions of daily life and the rhythm of a Canadian warship, including weapons, fire-fighting, navigation and command, damage control, boarding and rescue.
Cadets were even treated to a simulated multi-threat warfare scenario in the operations room.
“Spending a day in HMCS Ottawa is an experience I’ll never forget,” said Cadet Naval Seaman Clara Jager, of 136 Amphion Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps in Nanaimo. “There’s more to the navy than I ever thought there was. I’m so excited about all the adventures I’ll have as a sea cadet.”
On Sunday all cadets were inspected by Rear-Admiral Gilles Couturier, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, during an Admiral’s Ceremonial Divisions parade.
The parade included a massed band and several promotions and recognitions. This is the first time a divisional parade has been held for Vancouver Island in more than a decade.
“The Cadet Program helps thousands of young people grow into well-rounded, community-minded and experienced young adults,” said RAdm Couturier.
“Spending time with these great young Canadians and future leaders of this country has truly been inspiring and I want to personally thank everyone involved in supporting our cadets and making this program a success in every way possible.” said RAdm Couturier.
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