SISIP earns top merit award
By Lookout on Dec 13, 2017 with Comments 0
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~
Larry Mohr, Senior Vice President of Commercial Services, Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS) (left), presented Esquimalt SISIP Financial Manager Wade Walters and members of SISIP Financial, B.C. Region, with the Commercial Services Division Award of Merit, at the CANEX Military Supply Store in Naden Dec. 4.
The honour is awarded for outstanding results, member service, and reflecting core values of service excellence, teamwork, professionalism and compassion.
During the ceremony, Walters congratulated his staff for their creative and successful local marketing initiatives, as well as “outside-the-box-thinking”, including establishing a scavenger hunt for members as part of an education quiz, bringing the SISIP Financial Office to individual units at the base, and building an Angry Bird game for visitors’ children to play during Family Day.
“Their outstanding business results are making British Columbia one of SISIP Financials’ top markets,” said Walters.
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