Support a superhero in the Drop Zone

Crystal Maxwell

Military spouse Crystal Maxwell is dressed as The Black Widow, as portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in Iron Man 2 and the Avengers. On Sept 13 she will rapel off the CIBC tower to support children with disabilities who want to attend Easter Seal’s Camp. Maxwell is looking for donations to help the kids.

Last week military spouse Crystal Maxwell stepped into her homemade Black Widow superhero costume and took the spotlight for a photo shoot with a towering building as backdrop – one that she will rappel down on Sept. 13.

The scene on the corner of Douglas and View Streets garnered attention as she struck similar poses to that of Scarlett Johansson, The Black Widow superhero in Iron Man 2 and The Avengers.

Maxwell’s incentive is to raise money for the Easter Seals Drop Zone, which sends more than 300 local children with disabilities to Easter Seals Camp Shawnigan each summer.

“I came across this and it sounded like a great idea,” said Maxwell. “How many times in your life do you get to dress up as a superhero and jump off a building? It seemed like a great way to supports B.C. kids,” she said.

So far she has raised $300, but in order to rappel from the building and be the superhero she wants to be, she must fund raise $700 more.

Although she’s not fond of heights, she says the kids matter most and she will face her fear as she scales down the 13-story CIBC building to a crowd of wellwishers and media.

The Drop Zone is held in locations across Canada and this year will be the 7th annual Victoria Drop Zone.

The charity destination, Camp Shawnigan, is unique from other summer camps.

“They have special climbing walls and special equipment suited for children with disabilities that other camps do not have. This is something that makes a lot of difference for the kids who get to go. A lot of focus is put on facing their fears and overcoming barriers,” said Maxwell. “I have been facing a lot of fears and barriers since Devon [her husband deployed on HMCS Regina] left with the ship,” she says. “He wanted me to do something nice for other people when he was deployed, and I thought this was a great thing to do.”

To support Maxwell’s fundraising initiatives and help B.C. kids attend camp donate through

Shelley Lipke, Staff Writer

Filed Under: Top Stories

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