Traffic technicians prepare NST lift off
By Lookout on Jun 20, 2017 with Comments 0

MWO Dave Daly, a Loadmaster with 429 Transport Squadron in Trenton, Ont., secures a RHIB to the floor of a C-17 Globemaster cargo plane. Photo by Peter Mallett/Lookout
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~
Traffic Technicians at Base Logistics are being hailed for their work getting 32,000 tons of Naval Security Team equipment airlifted to Busan, South Korea, for their upcoming deployment.
The 75-member Naval Security Team will provide port security for Poseidon Cutlass 17, where HMC Ships Ottawa and Winnipeg will be involved in a multinational task group performing interoperability exercises and above and below water warfare training.
This is the first time traffic technicians have tackled packing both a C-130 Charter plane and a C-17 Globemaster cargo plane at the Victoria International Airport.
Included in the shipments were two Defender Class Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boats weighing more than 10,000 lbs each, security team body armour, and medical equipment.
“Deploying equipment on aircraft is not something the RCN normally does, as our personnel usually deploy aboard RCN vessels, and all of your equipment is always with you at sea,” says Lt(N) Tim Turner, Naval Security Team Executive Officer. “This has been a monumental undertaking for the Traffic Tech and other Base Logistics employees, and they have done a brilliant job of moving all the little pieces to South Korea. It has been critical component to making our mission successful.”
One key component of the Naval Security Team deployment will be providing “a bubble of protection” around the Canadian warships entering and exiting the harbour in Busan. The team will work closely with the Republic of Korea Navy to provide force protection at sea, and on land to provide protection from threats to and from controlled access points.
Traffic Tech Sergeant Andrew Tobin will meet the cargo planes in South Korea to help facilitate the uniting of Naval Security Team with their equipment. He, along with WO Darren Power, will coordinate the return of equipment back to Victoria July 5.
According to Warrant Officer Marcella Matthews, who oversees the Traffic Techs, they must abide by international guidelines for moving dangerous goods and Custom’s protocols.
“There is always the threat of ‘The Domino Effect’,” says WO Marcella. “Timelines need to be met to the letter of the law, which requires coordination and expertise. If one thing goes wrong it could delay the shipping process.”
On the frontline of the paper trail is Master Corporal Jean-Sebastien Roy, who handles the required paper work and shipping documents.
“It’s a step-by-step process, lots of paperwork and effective communication are critical in the process,” says MCpl Roy. “When someone like Sgt Tobin is at the airport loading up the plane he needs all information immediately and can’t wait for it.”
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