Veterans’ Week – share your story


Every year, as part of the National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members give presentations at schools and other organizations across Canada.

The key to the program’s success is the enthusiastic participation of Regular and Reserve Force members.

The theme of this year’s program is “In Service to Canada.” By volunteering to be a speaker, you can share your story of service with Canadians of all ages.

Anyone who would like to take part in the program can register at

The site provides prepared presentations for various age groups, useful information on preparing your own speeches, and guidance on using social media.

Last year, CAF members gave over 2,100 presentations, reaching more than 555,000 Canadians during Veterans’ Week.

If you have any questions, contact René Coignaud, coordinator of the program, at 613-943-6145 or by email at or MARPAC OPI, Vicki Kellsey at 250-363-5566 /

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