Vic PD stepping up traffic enforcement

Vic PD stepping up traffic enforcement

Will Chaster, Base PA Office ~

After several incidents, the Military Police Unit Esquimalt has reached out to the Victoria Police Department in order to increase law enforcement at the intersection of Esquimalt and Admirals Roads.

This is in response to a number of complaints in which pedestrians have almost been hit by individuals turning left onto Admirals Rd from Esquimalt Rd between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.

In the majority of these cases, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and DND members have been identified as those endangering pedestrians and running lights.

In order to ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists, Vic PD will step up patrols in the area.

“Vic PD will be at the location and they will not be giving out warnings,” said Leading Seaman Andrée Noye, Community Relations Coordinator with MPU Esquimalt.

Aside from endangering the lives of others, dangerous driving can come with its own legal ramifications.

“The consequences can be pretty severe; if you’re caught breaking the law you could face demerit points on your license and a fine of over $150,” says LS Noye.

When moving through a busy intersection, drivers have to be mindful of the dangers of not paying attention.

“I understand everyone wants to get home but think about the consequences; pedestrians are very vulnerable to someone with their mind on beating the traffic crawl,” she says.

CAF personnel are reminded to always obey traffic regulations and maintain extra levels of vigilance for pedestrians.

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