Victoria Royals salute 100 years of Submarine service
By Lookout on Dec 01, 2014 with Comments 2

Left to right: Regina Pats (#4) Kyle Burroughs; Cameron Hope, General Manager of the Victoria Royals; Capt(N) James Clarke, Commander Canadian Submarine Force; Cdr (Ret’d) Lloyd Barnes; and Victoria Royals (#2) Joe Hicketts at centre ice during the puck drop for the 4th Annual CAF/Defence Team Appreciation Night at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Arena on Nov. 22.
With more than 6,000 fans watching, the Victoria Royals hockey team saluted 100 years of submarine service in Canada during their fourth annual Canadian Armed Forces Appreciation Night on Saturday Nov. 22 at Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre.
Possibly inspired by their specially designed jerseys that bore the submarine crest, the Royals cruised to a 5-0 shutout victory over the Regina Pats, backstopped by call-up goaltender Jayden Sittler’s 33 save performance.
The pre-game celebrations were highlighted by a dynamic opening that featured a Tri-Service Colour Party, Naden Band vocalist PO2 Katrina Bligh performing O Canada, and members of the Maritime Tactical Operations Group rappelling down to ice-level to deliver the ceremonial puck from 80 feet up in the rafters.
Capt (N) James Clarke, Commander Canadian Submarine Force, and Cdr (Retired) Lloyd Barnes, former Commanding Officer of HMC Submarines Rainbow, Ojibwa and Onondaga, dropped the puck in a stirring centre-ice ceremony.
This latest version of Canadian Armed Forces Appreciation Night was a fitting tribute to the Canadian Submarine Force, their families, and their efforts over the last century. The passion, dedication and resilience of past and present submariners were well represented in both the superbly-designed commemorative game jerseys, and in the enthusiasm shown by the throngs of fans in attendance.
While the Royals dominated the Pats for 60 minutes on the ice, the multitude of interior and exterior displays along the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre concourse showcased the diversity of talents and opportunities working together as part of the Defence Team in the Victoria area.
In addition to the submarine tribute, the evening was a resounding success for the Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), an independent non-profit organization that supports the military community. The centre raised $3,695.50 to benefit local programs for military members and their families over the course of the evening.
“We are very grateful to the Victoria Royals for their generosity to our organization and the military community,” said Jackie Carlé, community engagement manager with the MFRC. “The night was a great event for families and a fantastic celebration of all aspects of the Canadian Armed Forces.”
SLt Aaron Hawkins, Base PA Office
Filed Under: Top Stories
About the Author:
Thanks for sharing Dwayne. We’ll be in touch soon.
I build scratch built, fully functional 1/48 scale warships. For shots of all five classes of SUBMARINE we have had in the Canadian Navy, see my YOUTUBE site above.
Subs in my fleet include
HMCS CC-2, HMCS U-190. HMCS Okanagan, HMCS Rainbow and HMCS Windsor, All can submerge to 30 feet and fire torpedoes.
If you would like a copy of the PPT presentation I used while displaying these models in 2014, please send me an E-Mail.
Dwayne Hill