Volunteer Appreciation Night 2017
By Lookout on May 05, 2017 with Comments 0

Group photo of volunteers during 2017 Volunteer Appreciation Day Banquet held April 20 at the Wardroom. Photo by Cpl André Maillet, MARPAC Imaging Services
Jon Chabun, MFRC ~
It was a magical night, both figuratively and literally, when 108 volunteers gathered at the Wardroom Thursday April 20 to be celebrated for their charitable spirit.
The event, sponsored by CANEX, recognized the contributions volunteers make to the Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), Personnel Support Programs (PSP), and the CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum.
“Volunteers contribute thousands of hours to the military community,” said Ekaterina Gregory, coordinator of volunteers at the MFRC. “Many programs, services and events depend on volunteers for their success.”
The night featured a buffet dinner and the magic of Paul Kilshaw. There were speeches from Rear Admiral Art McDonald, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, and Danielle Sutherland, Senior Manager PSP. Other attendees included 60 guests of the volunteers.
“Volunteer contributions are very broad and diverse,” added Gregory. “Some volunteers lead our base clubs, some officiate sports, while others staff special events. Some make workshops and groups possible for military families. Some help contribute to preserving our history.”
At the MFRC, volunteers help run 35 Away Cafes, 10 Deployment Dinners, 36 Playing Together parent-child drop-in sessions, six Sunday Information Sessions and various other support programs for our community. Overall, over 100 MFRC volunteers donated 3,212 hours last year. Youth volunteers contributed 90 hours to help with childcare support.
At PSP, volunteers played a vital role in assisting with various activities and special events such as the Navy Run, Formation Fun Day, base sports, base clubs and special interest activities throughout the year. Approximately 80 volunteers contributed at special events setting up and tearing down events, marshalling run routes and manning booths. More than 50 volunteers supported teams and events at base sports, both locally and at nationals. In total, volunteers donated over 1,600 hours to Personnel Support Programs.
At the CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum, volunteers helped support the work of three staff members. In total, 21 volunteers donated 2,700 hours to the organization.
“A big thank you to each and every volunteer who gave their time,” concluded Gregory. “We are a stronger community with your contributions.”
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