Volunteering enhances sailor’s life

Volunteering enhances sailor’s life

MARPAC Public Affairs ~

Like many sailors in the Royal Canadian Navy, Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Brian Whitman’s commitment to service includes giving back to his community.

Despite spending most of his time at sea, the first thing he does when he is on land is pick up where he left off with his volunteering activities. Throughout his career, he has volunteered at the Mustard Seed Food Bank; assisted the Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) for 10 years, while also working as the MFRC representative on board ships; and most recently volunteered with Habitat for Humanity Restores.

His work at the nonprofit’s Restore included assisting in the loading bay with incoming donations, repairing merchandise, and helping carry out purchases for customers.

In October 2017, when he was named Coxswain for HMCS Yellowknife, he had to reduce his volunteering hours, but kept it up as much as he could.

PO1 Whitman spent 18.5 years of his 22.5 years of service on board Royal Canadian Navy ships, and has circumnavigated the globe several times. When asked why he started volunteering, he explained it all started when, as the MFRC representative on ship as part of his duties, he realized what a positive impact it was having on his life. He then started volunteering with the MFRC on land, which led to volunteering with other organizations.

“Nothing gives me more satisfaction than seeing the appreciative faces of those I help. Who wouldn’t enjoy that?”

PO1 Whitman encompasses the navy’s vision of always being ‘Ready to Help’. When he isn’t giving back to the community or serving his country he also enjoys spending time with his partner, son and daughter.

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