New leader for Coastal Division
By Lookout on Aug 14, 2012 with Comments 2

With a Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel as back drop, command of Coastal Division was passed from Cdr James Sprang to Cdr Lorne Carruth in a change of command ceremony last Wednesday. A congratulatory hand shake sealed the passing of command.
Coastal Division said goodbye to a fine leader last Wednesday.
In a change of command ceremony on Y Jetty, command of Coastal Division was passed from Cdr James Sprang to Cdr Lorne Carruth.
Cdr Sprang will become Commanding Officer of HMCS Malahat.
At the podium, he addressed the assembled ships companies and reminisced on two years at the helm of Coastal Division.
“It feels like just yesterday I was preparing to give the last speech, instead of the first,” says Cdr Sprang. “It has been my privilege to be your Division Commander. I have been humbled by your character and perseverance as you embraced the navy’s motto of ready, aye, ready, and I thank you for your service.”
RAdm Peter Ellis, Commander of Canadian Fleet Pacific, was the Reviewing Officer for the ceremony, and took some time to say a few words about Cdr Sprang’s service to the military.
“He is a true professional whose dedication to Canada and the navy is inspiring. He’s a great Canadian, and a tremendous leader. We all owe him a debt of gratitude for his leadership and his guidance.”
RAdm Ellis then addressed Cdr Carruth, congratulating him on his new postings, and the new phase of his career.
“Lorne, you’ve got some huge shoes to fill, but I think you’ve got the focus and the determination to do this job,” he said. “I’m sure under your guidance Coastal Division will continue to grow.”
Following the address, the papers were signed, officially relieving Cdr Sprang from the post of Commander of Coastal Division, making way for Cdr Carruth to address the officers and sailors of his new position.
“As I’m sure you’ve all heard at ceremonies like this, I’ve got big shoes to fill. My only concern is that the feet in those shoes are capable of executing a perfect roundhouse kick to the head if I screw this up,” Cdr Carruth said jokingly to the crowd. “Thank you for the opportunity to fill those shoes. I plan on bringing the same level of quality out of Coastal Division, based on the high bar that Jim has set.”
Shawn O’Hara, Staff Writer
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Congratulations Lauren! I was talking to your Dad on Thursday night and he told me your good news. Doris and I wish you all the best.
Congratulations Lorne. Enjoy your new responsibilities. We are confident you can fill the “shoes”.
Kurt and Sonja