Yarn to spin for charity
By Lookout on Dec 07, 2017 with Comments 0

Emjay Bailey hopes to spin enough yarn to stretch from the Base Commander’s building in Naden to the Admiral’s Office in Dockyard. The yarn will then be given to a local knitting group that produces warm clothing for disadvantaged youth and the homeless.
Will Chaster, Base PA Office ~
When participating in a Spin-A-Thon, it is commonplace for bikes to be involved.
However, one CFB Esquimalt member will be spinning a different sort of wheel in December.
Starting Dec. 1, Emjay Bailey, Base Executive Corporate Services Officer, will conduct a wool spinning Spin-A-Thon with the ultimate goal of making knitted hats, scarves and mittens for homeless and disadvantaged youth in Victoria, as well as raising funds for the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC).
An avid knitter and wool spinner, Bailey is eager to put her skills to good use.
“It’s always nice when you are able to combine your art or passion into a community service,” she says.
Bailey took inspiration from the history the Royal Canadian Navy shares with knitting.
“During World War Two, members of the public and the Navy League would knit items such as socks or hats for sailors deployed to the Atlantic or Arctic. This helped give them a little extra warmth and comfort on their long voyages,” she explains.
She would like to spin enough wool to stretch from the Base Commander’s office all the way to Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters by the time she finishes just before Christmas.
“I can spin about 50 to 100 yards of wool in an hour, so I’m optimistic I can make it,” she says.
Bailey is looking for donations to help raise money in support of the NDWCC. Sponsors can pledge a flat amount or make donations by the yard or by total amount of wool spun.
Once she has enough yarn, Bailey and her co-members from the knitting group Discovery Knitters plan to knit at least 20 articles of clothing that will then be distributed to those who need them most around Victoria.
“This will be high quality wool, which will make very comfy and warm items. I’m hoping it will be a good feeling to be given something nice by someone who cares about you,” says Bailey.
Anyone looking to donate to the Spin-A-Thon can reach Bailey by email at Marjolaine.Bailey@forces.gc.ca or by phone at 250-363-4003.
Alternatively, donations can be made by contacting Gerry Binning, the Base Executive NDWCC representative, at Gerry.Binning@forces.gc.ca.
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