Young B.C. dancer part of War Amps ongoing legacy
By Lookout on Dec 11, 2016 with Comments 0

Julianna in dance mode, with her artificial arm.
As The War Amps marks the 70th anniversary of its Key Tag Service this year, it has put the spotlight on a young B.C. amputee with a passion for dance.
Julianna, 18, was born a right arm amputee and is a member of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program.
She is currently being featured in a War Amps public service announcement (PSA) that shows her dancing using an artificial arm that gives her flexibility and balance.
As a member of CHAMP, Julianna is eligible for financial assistance with the cost of artificial limbs and to attend regional seminars where she meets other amputees just like her.
CHAMP is part of The War Amps ongoing legacy, which began in 1918 when amputee veterans returning from the First World War started a fraternal organization based on an “amputees helping amputees” philosophy.
These veterans then launched the Key Tag Service in 1946 so that returning Second World War amputees could not only work for competitive wages, but also provide a service to Canadians that would generate funds for the Association.
Today, it continues to employ amputees and other people with disabilities, and has returned more than 1.5 million sets of lost keys to date. Public support of the Key Tag and Address Label Service funds the Association’s essential programs for war, adult and child amputees across Canada.
For her part, Julianna says support from The War Amps has meant a lot.
“The War Amps has played a huge role in my life, not only by providing funding for my artificial limbs, but also the seminars and just making me feel more comfortable with who I am.”
The War Amps receives no government grants. For more information, or to order key tags or address labels, visit or call toll-free 1 800 250-3030.
To watch Julianna’s PSA, visit The War Amps YouTube Channel.
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