Navy Run salutes ‘Stan the Running Man’
By Lookout Production on Mar 03, 2023 with Comments 0

“My mantra for this year’s race is: My Race, My Pace” Chief Petty Officer First Class Stan Budden, Navy Run Ambassador and Unit Chief of Naval Fleet School (Pacific).
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Being named the 2023 Navy Run Ambassador has given Chief Petty Officer First Class (CPO1) Stan Budden the cause to reflect on his miraculous journey.
Each June, the Navy Run is a marquee event on the CFB Esquimalt social calendar that sees hundreds of military and civilian runners take to Esquimalt roadways.
CPO1 Budden meets the basic criteria for Navy Run Ambassador: a dedicated military member (Unit Chief of Naval Fleet School [Pacific]), a father of three, and an avid recreational runner who enjoys a healthy lifestyle.
But there is much more to CPO1 Budden than meets the eye, explains Laurel Koslowski, Navy Run Race Director and Acting Manager of Community Recreation at Personnel Support Programs (PSP).
“His journey to become an avid runner and his lifestyle changes to promote his own health and the health of others has been inspiring to many,” Koslowski says. “We look forward to running with him and others who may be beginning their journey this year.”
CPO1 Budden says he’s delighted with the prospects of being a liaison with the running community, military community, and the greater community of Victoria.
After all, the sport has changed his life.
A road to wellness
Chief Budden’s physical transformation began five years ago.
“I had been unhealthy for much of my adult life; I eventually realized time has come to do something about it,” CPO1 Budden says.
When he flips through photos of himself from 2018 and earlier, he admits recognizing himself is hard. He has lost close to 100 pounds since then.
“Making a journey like this is not simply about weight loss,” he cautions. “[Focusing on weight loss] trivializes the full scope of my transformation.”
His change to wellness only happened with help from his Chain of Command and PSP. He made runs part of his daily routine and went to the gym three times a week for aquafit and yoga.
Gradually striving to run longer distances has become a hunger in his life.
On New Year’s Eve 2020, CPO1 Budden ran in his first 5K run in Victoria; later that year, he ran the 5K West Van Run in 25 minutes and 40 seconds, finishing 177th out of over 800 people. He has since become a regular in the local running circuit and has logged 25 half-marathons, one full marathon and, most recently, a personal 50K challenge run to mark his 50th birthday. Today, he proclaims himself ‘Stan The Running Man’ on his social media, a name given to him by his running teammates.
Getting involved
CPO1 Budden knows taking down the barriers and stigma, and getting would-be runners on the road is no easy task, but he thinks many can relate to his story.
“My mantra for this year’s race is: My Race, My Pace,” CPO1 Budden says. “What I mean is: Don’t compare yourself to anyone else while you are running.”
CPO1 Budden’s role as Navy Run Ambassador is to advocate, promote and boost Navy Run participation.
“I am here to tell people the Navy Run is all about running WITH the Navy,” he says. “The Navy Run is more about having fun and participating than crossing the finish line first. We want to get everyone, including those outside of the running community, to run or walk the course.”
The 2023 Navy Run includes a 10K, 5K, a Kids Fun Run and virtual runs. To register or for further information, visit
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