Attaining success in counselling

Attaining Success 
in Counselling

Thomas Goenczi, Lookout contributor — Will counselling be successful? Most people yearn for success when they decide to follow through with any venture. However, success is unique to the individual.

How do you qualify success? Success is typically related to a short-term or a long-term goal. The goals you and your therapist set out are, in essence, the guide to your success. With one, success in counselling becomes much easier.

Collaborating with your counsellor on what you’d like your goals to be is an essential process in therapy. Attainment of short-term goals organically folds into larger accomplishments. The counsellor plays a significant role in guiding you to your success, so there must be a trust-based rapport between the two of you. If there is mutual openness, compassion and willingness to confront what needs to be confronted, success in the larger sense can often be achieved.

Other factors can strengthen one’s capacity to succeed in counselling; please remember these should not be viewed as a strict recipe.

Intent. Intentionally aiming to accomplish something in counselling can vary; examples include establishing better sleep hygiene, developing self-soothing techniques for anxiety, learning to set better boundaries, or processing trauma. Intent invites an activation of will. It invigorates motivation to achieve set goals. 

Openness. Expressing oneself freely and allowing yourself to be vulnerable isn’t easy. Little white lies and omissions often permeate the onset of therapy, followed by circumventing topics or shutting down through denial. It’s vital to move at a manageable pace.

Tip: If you notice you have constrained a thought, feeling, or body sensation, reflect on why you did so and if you think it would be essential to share later.

Optimism. What often comes in the way of optimism is a fear of success and an inability to visualize a world that isn’t. Optimism combats the human condition to reside in the present self. With success comes change and the shedding of an older version of oneself. Having confidence in overcoming current struggles embodies the potential to do so.

Are there instances of unsuccessful counselling? Yes, typically due to a mixture of incompatibility with the counsellor and an inability to confront various fears, amongst other factors. Yet, when success inevitably occurs, remaining steadfast and leading with humility is essential to not finding yourself back where you started. Stay mindful and understand that what goes up must come down.

Thomas Goenczi is an RCN Veteran and MA Clinical Counsellor with Private Practice: Well Then Therapy.

The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition.

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