CFSA leadership past and present gather for a group photo on the jetty. (Top Row from Left) Ginette Gibeault, Membership Chair, Kurtis Paddle, Rear Commodore, Bjarne Hansen, Foreshore Team Lead. (Bottom Row) Brendan Carver, Treasurer, Bethany Devlin, Entertainment Chair, Master Sailor Ben Sproule, Commodore, Ray Weisgerber, Communications Chair, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class (ret’d) David Mitchell, Past Commodore, Leslie Basham, Fleet Captain, Barry White, Small Boats Chair.
Peter Mallett,
Staff Writer
On their opening day, Zeus, the Greek God of rain and wind, sympathized with the Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA).
While the blustery conditions persisted, a brief respite from the heavy rains at precisely the right moment allowed CFB Esquimalt’s recreational sailing club members to move forward with its official curtain raiser for the sailing season.
Approximately 40 brave-hearted souls turned out for the club’s opening day event on Apr. 28 at Naden. Opening day wouldn’t have run so smoothly without some pre-planned schedule adjustment options, says the club’s Rear-Commodore Kurtis Paddle.
“We had three different contingency plans in place to handle the uncertain weather conditions at this time of year and the timing for some [relatively] good weather couldn’t have turned out better,” said Paddle, an electrician and civilian employee of Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF) Cape Breton.
The kickoff for the event commenced in a parking lot overlooking Lang Cove and the location where the club’s boats dock. Members of the Naden Band played the national anthem before Master Sailor Ben Sproule, CFSA Commodore, provided opening remarks and his outlook for the upcoming season.
As part of the opening day tradition, many of the club’s military members wore formal naval whites. Barb Desjardins, Esquimalt Mayor, and Commodore Patrick Montgomery, the Commander of Canada’s Naval Reserves, also attended.
Strong winds prevented the event’s traditional sail-past parade of boats at the jetty. Instead, crews remained alongside for the event’s review of vessels by the CFSA Commodore and awards ceremony. Hoku Pa’a captured this year’s title for Best Dressed Crew, Hessian for Best Dressed Boat, and Rangatira for Best Salute. Each winning team received a $50 gift card from Trotac Marine for their efforts.
“Things went very well, and people enjoyed themselves despite the conditions,” said Paddle.
In 2022, the CFSA bid farewell from its home at Monroe Head, also in Esquimalt Harbour, and moved its operations inside the Base. Paddle says the location has provided inadvertent advertising for the club since its sailboats are visible from just inside the main entrance at Naden. He also notes the new location has led to several inquiries about the club and membership options.
For more information about the CFSA and its affordable membership fees for military members and DND civilian employees and their families, visit www.cfsaesq.ca.

CFSA Commodore MS Ben Spoule greets Marisha Schaefer and Charles Wilton. Credit: Kurtis Paddle/CFSA