Supporting the Silent Service
By Lookout Production on Feb 17, 2024 with Comments 0

Members of CANSUBFOR HQ Det Halifax deliver mail, rations, and personnel to HMC Submarine Windsor in Halifax Harbour, with support from Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel Granville. Photo: Lt(N) Halerewich.
Lt(N) Christian Jax,
Napolean famously said, ‘The amateurs discuss tactics; the professionals discuss logistics’. While perhaps simplistic, the view that logistics are ignored only at one’s peril is widely accepted.
Small but mighty, submarines do not have the space for additional supplies. They rely on the Canadian Submarine Force (CANSUBFOR) Logistical Department and the Submarine Support Team to ensure they receive food, parts, mail and other necessities.
Unlike surface ships, submarine logistical teams do not sail with the ships but move ahead as a Forward Logistical Support (FLS) team instead. Moreover, the submarine communication windows are limited, and clear communications and detailed planning are required to support the submarines wherever they may be.
“We fly to support the submarines in foreign ports and liaise with these port authorities,” said Lieutenant (Navy) Isabelle Bergeron, the Logistics officer for CANSUBFOR Detachment East. “That is not something you do on a frigate since the FLS team comes from another organization. That gives us the advantage of knowing the crew and making our work easier.”
The one-team approach allows for efficient support anywhere in the world.
“A diverse, capable and collaborative team on each coast allows our submarines to effectively operate on a global scale,” commented Lt(N) Jason Bates, the Logistics officer for CANSUBFOR Detachment West.
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