Understanding the Canadian Forces Housing Differential rollout 


A/SLt Sheldon Neil — The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) policy on the Post Living Differential (PLD) is being replaced by the Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD).

Members must apply by June 1 to receive the entitlement when it starts in July.

Applications can be submitted through Orderly Rooms. Applications received after June 1 will still be processed, but members will not be guaranteed to receive their first payment during the July pay period. However, these payments will be backdated to the July 1 inception date.

Members looking to receive the entitlement must complete a DND 4899 (Canadian Forces Housing Differential Entitlement) form and submit supporting documents. Forms are located in members’ Orderly Rooms and the DND forms catalogue. Step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the form can be found on the CFB Esquimalt Base Administration Sharepoint site under “CFHD Application SOP for Members” in English and French.

Supporting documents include posting instructions with Move Authority and proof of mortgage, lease, or rental agreement. Members are being encouraged to submit their applications now.

CFHD calculates the difference between housing costs in the area the CAF member is posted to and a percentage of the member’s monthly pay. Each member’s situation is unique based on rank, location, and, eventually, their time in one location. The step-by-step instructions and references are available for members to see if they qualify. The new CFHD has been developed to ensure CAF members who most require support in adjusting to the housing costs in different locations in Canada are prioritized.

Post Living Differential (PLD) will cease at the end of June. Members will not receive PLD in July.

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