Pay back is a gift
By Lookout Production on Mar 08, 2024 with Comments 0

The Camosun College Foundation team celebrates the generosity of Naval Training Group employee Commander (ret’d) Angus Fedoruk (second from right).
Michael McWhinnie,
During the morning of Feb. 20, Commander (retired) Angus Fedoruk took some time away from HMCS Venture to visit his alma mater. He made the 15-minute drive to Camosun College’s Interurban Campus to meet Advancement and Alumni Engagement manager Christopher Berghuis for a purpose some might find perplexing: to hand over a personal cheque for $17,000.
The gesture will establish an eponymous endowment that, combined with a partial matching contribution by the college, will result in an annual grant of approximately $1,500 to a student enrolled in their School of Business.
Recipients will be selected based on being well-rounded and demonstrating professionalism and leadership.
“I see the grant less as a gift to the school and more as an investment in people,” Fedoruk reflected. “I strongly believe, though not the sole determinant of success, education remains nonetheless a primary enabling factor in attaining our vocational and life aspirations.”
Fedoruk’s views on learning have been shaped by years of experience with education and training establishments. He earned a Business Administration Diploma from Camosun College in 1996, a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Royal Roads University, and a Master of Education degree from the University of Calgary.
“Like most people, I view myself as a good person,” Fedoruk said. “I suppose this is a way of reassuring myself I am the person I aspire to be.”
After decades of serving in uniform as a Naval Warfare Officer in both the Regular and Reserve Force, Fedoruk is currently employed as the civilian executive services manager at HMCS Venture, where he served as Division Commander for Royal Canadian Navy Leadership Conduct and Culture development before ending his military service. He judges his time there as the most rewarding of his career. When his current employment ends in 2025, he will look back on a professional span of 38 years devoted to developing young officers and mentoring co-op students while exemplifying leadership and a commitment to lifelong learning.
“When people learn I am making this gift they might ask whether I could have made other plans for the money. Ultimately, we base our financial choices on what we think will make us happy,” he explained. “This makes me happy.”
Anyone interested in supporting Camosun College students with awards or bursaries is invited to email or head to for more information.
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